You enter into a contract with Gasdum when you place an order for sanitary goods or services via the website. You are responsible for ensuring the accuracy and completeness of the details you provide at the time of ordering, including your payment information.
Any products or services purchased are intended for your personal use only, and you agree that you are not purchasing them for resale. When receiving the services, you are acting as the principal, not as an agent for another party.
When ordering from the website, you may be required to provide an email address and password. It is your responsibility to keep this information secure and not share it with third parties.
Gasdum will take all reasonable precautions to protect your order and payment details. However, Gasdum cannot be held liable for any losses you may incur if a third party gains unauthorized access to your data due to your own negligence.
Your order is subject to availability, potential variations in product weight, price adjustments, and delivery capacity. These factors may affect whether or not Gasdum can fulfill your order.
After placing an order, you will receive an automatic confirmation via email, SMS, or phone call. This confirmation acknowledges receipt of your order, but it does not guarantee that the order can be fulfilled until further checks are conducted.
The confirmation message will include details such as delivery timing, estimated product weight, and price, allowing you to review and confirm your order's accuracy.
If Gasdum cannot deliver your order due to availability issues or lack of delivery capacity, you will be notified by SMS or phone call, and alternative arrangements will be made.