
Refund Policy

  • Minimum Payment Requirement:
    Customers must pay a minimum of 10% of the product price to confirm the order.
  • Full Payment for Heavy Products:
    For ceramic or heavy products, customers need to pay the full price of the product to confirm the orders.
  • Payment Confirmation:
    After payment, send your payment screenshot and the last 4 digits of the number you paid with. After the sales representative confirms your payment, provide the Name, Address, and Contact number of the product recipient.
  • Delivery Timeline:
    The delivery usually takes 48-72 hours. However, this timeline may vary depending on the delivery company, weather, and other factors.
  • Delivery Charges:
    Delivery Charges may vary depending on the location and the weight of the product.
  • Cash Memo for After-Sales Service:
    Customers need to retain the cash memo to receive any type of after-sales service. GASDUM will not provide any kind of after-sales service without a proper receipt.
  • Return Policy:
    Sold products cannot be returned. GASDUM is responsible until the handover of the product to the customer. The Guarantee or Warranty will not be applicable if the products are damaged by the customer.
  • Unboxing Proof:
    To reduce complications, you can record videos of the unboxing as proof.
  • Guarantee and Warranty Policies:
    The Guarantee and Warranty policies may differ for each product; you must ask the sales representative about the after-sales service beforehand.
  • Faulty Product Replacement:
    If any product is found faulty or has a problem, it will be replaced within 7 days.
  • Discounts and EMI:
    Discounts and offers will not be applicable for EMI.
  • Order Cancellation Fee:
    If someone chooses to cancel their order after the ordered products are out for delivery, then they must pay the delivery fee for the entire process.
  • Contact Information:
    For more info, please contact GASDUM.